How It Works

100 Kids Who Care intends to show that philanthropy comes from the willingness to help and that anyone can contribute, regardless of age, gender or what they’re able to give.

100 Kids wants to inspire the next generation of philanthropists by providing a forum to help and contribute to local charities. Let’s show our children the true spirit and joy of giving and let them see what a difference their contributions make.


How it Works

  • Young people between the ages of 5 and 14 come together 4 times a year with $10 each to donate to a charity.
  • The young people nominate local charities in advance, three of which are randomly selected for the evening.
  • The three kids whose charities are selected speak for 1 to 2 minutes, and then all participants vote on which charity will receive the donations.
  • 100% of donations go to the charities.
  • Anyone under 14 are welcome to become members.
  • Members commit to 4 events per year. Events are about 1 hour long.
  • The kids are encouraged to earn the $10, for example by doing chores.
  • Any member can nominate a local charity. Nominations must be submitted at least three days before the meeting.
  • Parents can help explain each charity to their children and help them to make their vote.
  • Parents may not speak on behalf of their children during the event.
  • The charity with the most votes will receive  all of the group’s collective donations.


What do the Kids get out of it?

They learn the spirit of giving at a young age. They learn that you don’t have to be wealthy to give. They learn leadership skills and how to speak with confidence in front of their peers. They will meet new friends and strengthen the bonds of existing friendships. They learn to work together and value diverse ideas. They learn that giving is FUN!